¡Hola, mis estrellitas!
Bienvenidos a un mundo mágico en donde todo lo que anhelas es posible. Con casi 20 años de experiencia en astrología, Tarot, numerología y otras mancias estoy aquí para ayudarte a comprender tus vivencias a través del movimiento de las estrellas como metáfora de tu vida. Descubrirás que el futuro no se predice, sino que lo construyes tú... si te conoces bien.

The energetic cleansings are used in different cultures to purify and / or bless people, objects or places. Usually, a ceremony with one or more of the four elements of nature - fire, earth, air or water - is carried out with a prayer. Each ceremony is specific to the need of the consultant, object or place to be purified or consecrated. This is an intuitive process where, on occasion, a divine message can emerge. Ideally, cleanings are done monthly. An energy cleanse for a person lasts approximately 30 minutes, depending on their energy level. An energy cleaning for a place lasts approximately 30 minutes, depending on the size and energy of the place.
When an energy cleanse is appropriate for a person:
when experiencing stress, anxiety, restlessness, depression, illness, or lack of energy
going through big changes in life, whether it's starting something new or closing a chapter in life like starting a new job, moving to a new city, getting married, having a baby, opening your own business
set new intentions and make important decisions
leaving behind things, situations or people that have already served their purpose or are not good for us such as quitting your job, moving, breaking a relationship or quitting an addiction
on New Years Day, December 31, birthday or anniversary day
When an energy cleaning is appropriate for a place:
when moving into your new home
when opening your new business
when selling your property
if you feel very tired, loaded, restless or anxious at home or at work
if people in your home or work get sick frequently
if mysterious or abnormal things happen frequently, for example: appliances that turn on or off by themselves or are damaged all at once, getting up at night and feeling a presence, doors that open and close themselves, etc.
on New Years Day, December 31st, the anniversary day of your home or business
before and after an event, party or meeting